Then, the teacher said us what we have to study to pass the exam but that the most important thing was syllabus and the Diary. But to pass the exam we have to pay attention and review the European Sectiones, the Annex III, the presentations about the book of study but specially the three first chapters because are most important.
After that, we ralized an oral activity about how take advantage of the use of ICT in class, and they were our ideas:
- Using the videogames, songs and videos about a specific topic to create a special atmosphere and cacth children attention. The teachers could realize their owns videos or create a videogame using tools like power point, youtube...
- Making blogs to have closer realitionships with the family and share information with them.
- Having a penfriends or using the Skype in class or in their houses.
- To creat card Christmas or another kind of cards.
- Coevaluation with recordings about their pronunciation and practice in a class to check their mistakes.
Finally, we talked about the ASSESSMENT for our Syllabus.
The teacher told us to differentiate among teacher evaluation, students evaluation, process of evaluation and schools evaluation ( internal-staff, external-diagnostic, minister, institutions, goverment).
Then we saw a document with an assessment for the end of the course and we could note the different ways to evaluate with different marks for instance:
- She /he understands the general information about... and then marks like: NEVER DOES, SELDOM DOES, DONE PARTELY, DONE IN A VERY GOOD WAY, and then the Total amount.
Give out: distribuir, repartir, emitir, revelar...
Largely: en gran parte
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