jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


This day before the class realized three interesting exposures.
Firstly,one about Unit 2 of book of study: "Listen and do" with activities as "Saymon says", secondly my group and myself showed our own exposure about Organization staff and finally other group showed the Unit 3 of book of study: " Listen and make" with activities as greating cards, posters to put on walls, making drawings and so on.

In this day of 25th October, another group realized a presentation about "Speaking english with supports".
Then whole class worked with the teacher the general parts that a syllabus must contain:

  • context (school, students, main ideas, problems with students)
  • objectives
  • contents
  • unless six or eight Units or projects using CLIL, only giving the main ideas and lines that we need to teach the Units) and only develop one!
Then we started to develop how we can do well each point:

  • Objectives: what we want to develop competences: generals, specifics. Capacities is worked with the competences and isn´t mind the order because in all schools are different. And also relationship between objects and competences.
  • Contents: what you choose for your cycle, it may be so interesting and based in Decree 68/07
  • Methodology: we can use different methodologies with communicative approaches. If your method is brilliant you can develop perfectly a second language in the schools like French also, and foster a motivate learning. ORAL EXPRESSIONS are very important. Teachers take the notebooks everyday to correct the mistakes. But the most improtant thing is to catch children attentions so not only use the class in your activities beacuse it will be boring.
  • Evaluation: a good evaluation is the base for the perfect teaching. There are two different evaluations: external and internal.
Regardless: sin tener en cuenta
Boost: impulsar, estimular, promover


jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012


In this day, whole class read in silence the Annex III in page fifty two of Decree 68/07 that is the same for Infant and Primary Education. This is one of the reaosns because this part of the Decree is so important. It contains key information for the school performance and these reflexions are very interesting to make decisions.
The Annex III is divided into five points:

  1. Educative Project
  2. Didactic Programm (syllabus)
  3. Tutoring
  4. Extracurricular activities
  5. Organization staff

Then in groups of five or six (or the same group for the syllabus) studied in accurate way the first point about the Annex III and made a brief summary about it.
Theses are our remarks:

The Educative project purposes improve the quality of education and is reviewed each year for this. It also includes important aspects such as:

  • Diversity atentions
  • Characteristics
  • Colaboration and cooperation among different educative institutions
  • Internal assessment
Then all clase read aloud our comments tu put in common and we reached a conclusion:
The Educative Project includes a different identity for each schools so it is a declaration of intents of school to work in a clear path.
For realize the Educative project you need extra time and not aal schools dedicate a enought time to make this creative document. 
And also we spoke about our thoughts in this topic:
     The school is a little family, but in Infant school the relationship between teachers are closer, they act together and cooperate in projetcs and objectives, but in Primary only they do that in specific moments and in Secunday school less becouse they only follow the books.

Finally the teacher told us her experience in Sonseca, and she said that she felt very well there. And she said us that we have to be aware that our job is to be a good teachers, excellent tachers!

Organization staff: personal de trabajo
Childhood: niñez